The « AI Commission » presented its report this morning with 25 recommendations to make France a major player in the AI technological revolution

13 mars 2024

The group of French experts appointed by the Prime Minister today submitted to Mr. Emmanuel Macron, its report on AI containing 25 recommendations to make France a major player in the AI revolution => check out the 7 priority recommendations.

1. Create the conditions for collective appropriation of AI and its challenges by launching a plan to raise awareness and train the nation.
2. Invest massively in digital companies and business transformation to support the French AI ecosystem and make it one of the world’s leaders.
3. Make France and Europe a major center of computing power, in the short and medium term.
4. Transform our approach to personal data to continue to protect it while facilitating innovation to serve our needs.
5. Promote French culture by providing access to cultural content while respecting intellectual property rights.
6. Facilitate and encourage AI-related basic research in the public sector.
7. Structure a coherent and concrete diplomatic initiative aimed at founding a global governance of AI.

The full report in English :

The full report in French :