Momentum Avocats at the Forum International de la Cybersécurité

29 mars 2024

With the implementation of the DSA in full swing, our partner Jean-Sébastien Mariez moderate a roundtable discussion at the Trust & Safety Forum on March 26th that give regulators (🇫🇷, 🇳🇱, 🇬🇧) and platforms a voice.

« Strengths and limitations of the Digital Service Act and the Online Safety Act » : on the first day of the Forum InCyber Europe (FIC), a great discussion with european regulators on the pace and effectiveness of implementation of the new regulations tackling illegal or harmful content.

A panel organised by the Trust & Safety Forum, moderated by Mariez JeanSébastien, with the contribution of Benoît LOUTREL, Jenna Omassi, Arda Gerkens – and special thanks to Paul Benelli for his insight on platforms’ challenges and opportunities.