Commercial use of intellectual assets – contribution by Julien Canlorbe
9 September 2020
The book “The commercial use of intellectual assets” has just been published. Based on a conference held in Sorbonne on June 1, 2018 under the direction of Jean Lapousterle (CERDI) and Arnaud Latil (Sorbonne University), this book provide a wide analysis of the evolution of the concept of “commercial use” accross all branches of intellectual property (Mare & Martin / Presses universitaires de Sceaux).
French Law and case law use not to take into account the commercial dimension in the analysis of infringements of intellectual property rights. Recently, references to such “commercial use” of intellectual assets have increased so as to become a main criterion.
This book includes the contribution of Julien Canlorbe, founding partner of Momentum Avocats, particularly on the trademark law aspects of the concept of “use in the course of trade”.
#IntellectualProperty #CERDI #Trademark